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2024 Bowral Classic Cancelled

It is with enormous regret The Classics announce the 2024 Bowral Classic is cancelled. Due to the non-arrival of the traffic management contractor, NSW Police have advised the event cannot proceed.

Event organisers understand many riders may wish to still ride the course today, but this will be at their own risk. The Bowral Classic routes will be unsupported.

The Classics deeply apologise for the inconvenience and acknowledge the impact this has on riders and partners. Many have travelled long distances and spent months training in anticipation of the Bowral Classic.

All riders will be offered a full entry fee refund, more information on this will be communicated via email to riders ASAP.

The Event Village at Loseby Park, Bowral will remain open today. Riders are encouraged to come along and support the event partners and the local food suppliers and bars.


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