Dylan Proctor-Parker of ARA Skip Capital, Keely Bennett of Team Bridgelane, Pro Velo Super League co-founder, Matt Wilson, Andrew Ryan, AusCycling CEO Marne Fechner and Pro Velo Super League co-founder Aaron Flanagan pose during the ProVelo Super League Launch at The Prince Hotel on March 27, 2024 in Melbourne, Australia. (Photo by Josh Chadwick)


The ProVelo Super League – Q & A With Matt Wilson

Major changes are underway in the domestic racing scene and here Lee ‘Hollywood’ Turner speaks with the key ProVelo Super League mastermind, Matt Wilson.

Lee ‘Hollywood’ Turner: Thanks for speaking with us Matt, what is the ProVelo Super League?

Matt Wilson: Hi Lee … the PVSL is a seven-event series that will be taking place from January 2024 through to the end of March. It will take over from the existing National Road Series model. It will include some of the most classic events in Australia such as the Melbourne to Warrnambool, Grafton to Inverell, Tour of Tassie and also include some new events in capital cities such as Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

So we are looking at a January 2025 start?

Yes, it starts in January and will kick off in Adelaide. It will then head around the east coast of Australia in an anti-clockwise direction finishing in Brisbane.

Will there be any races in Perth to coincide with the Nationals being held there next year?

Not in the first year, no. A big focus for us is to make this as economical as possible. To do that the travel has to be viable for teams. To spread it out geographically and head to places such as Perth can all of a sudden blow the budget for those teams. So we’ve got to keep it compact. But it’s certainly our goal if it is succeeding to eventually expand to other regions including Canberra and northern Queensland as well.

Pro Velo Super League co-founder, Matt Wilson speaks during the ProVelo Super League Launch at The Prince Hotel on March 27, 2024 in Melbourne, Australia. (Photo by Josh Chadwick)

Is this both for men and women?

Absolutely – we have full equality across the league and equality across the broadcast and areas such as the prize pool. And we’ll also have a juniors series which we are committed to running for the tours. And that again will have equality across men and women.

How many teams are required and is that capped?

It’s flexible at this stage – we don’t have a minimum amount of teams required, but obviously want as many as possible. Is it capped? Yes, we have a number in mind but realistically and looking at current NRS numbers I don’t think we’ll get near that. We can expand the wild card individual entries depending on how many teams we get. But I’m really encouraging that team model.

What will it cost to register a team?

It will be $10,000 to register, and that gives you access and entry to all the races in the series. It works out to be around $240 per rider per event which is 30 to 40 per cent less than the current entry fees.

I know AusCycling is supporting, what level is this support?

They are helping via sanctioning the events, providing resources, and helping with rules and regulations. We really want to work closely with them. They’re not providing funding, it’s more the resourcing side.

What happens if a rider can’t get it a team, can they still race?

Yes, we’ll be offering wild cards and the number will depend upon our team entries.

Will those bigger races like the M2W and G2I still be open to individuals?

Absolutely, that won’t change.

Matthew Keenan speaks during the ProVelo Super League Launch at The Prince Hotel on March 27, 2024 in Melbourne, Australia. (Photo by Josh Chadwick)

What do riders do after the 10 to 12-week season?

I hope that this new league gives the teams the ability to be more financially viable. I hope some riders will get the opportunity to race internationally and in interstate comps as well. The big change is the compact season format, but if this is going to work it needs people to watch it. We need to gain momentum and maintain interest.

You have a lot on your plate already, and have achieved many great things in cycling – why put yourself under this pressure and take on such a big challenge?

Good question … It was something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. I’m very passionate about this and think that with Gerry Ryan’s support, we have been given an amazing opportunity. We can change something in Australian cycling and hopefully grow racing over time. I think it’s absolutely critical that we build pathways and have a domestic road competition within that. I feel this is a very important thing that needs to be done. I really hope the cycling community gets behind us in this and realises the opportunity we have.

Thank you so much Matt, I’m really excited about the short form concept and keeping momentum, I applaud you for taking on the task.

Thanks Lee, it’s very exciting. As more details come to light it will gain momentum and people will have more confidence about what we’re putting together. So yeah, stay tuned. unknown.gif

Matt Wilson at the official launch of the Provelo Super League.

ABOVE & TOP: ProVelo Super League organisers with AusCycling’s Marne Fechner and team riders. And cycling commentator Matthew Keenan speaking at the launch.


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