There’s been a lot of changes with the levers. The hoods are more comfortable and importantly, higher for a secure hand position. The levers have a better shape and the pivot position of the lever makes braking while riding on the hoods a lot more efficient.

Top Gear – Loaded X-lite Skewers

In the previous issue you would have seen Loaded’s X-lite seatpost. Loaded also makes these X-lite Race Day skewers.

These $70 skewers feature titanium axles and are said to weigh under 40g per pair. Most items in the Loaded product line come in seven anodised alloy finishes, so you can bling out your bike with matching parts if you desire.

Price: $72.95

Distributed by Pushie Enterprises

Ph. 0404 885 896


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There’s been a lot of changes with the levers. The hoods are more comfortable and importantly, higher for a secure hand position. The levers have a better shape and the pivot position of the lever makes braking while riding on the hoods a lot more efficient.

Top Gear – Knog Milkman Lock

There’s been a lot of changes with the levers. The hoods are more comfortable and importantly, higher for a secure hand position. The levers have a better shape and the pivot position of the lever makes braking while riding on the hoods a lot more efficient.

Top Gear – Creux Cycle Wear