‘Truly magic.’
They were the first words to come to mind soon after arriving in Noosa, initially for a walk around town to find a bite to eat, then kit up, take the bike out of the car, and go for a ride.
Early May and with a 30-degree day, 24-degree water temperature, and the sun shining as if it was still mid-summer, Noosa offers a perfect year-round climate – the type of weather that seems custom tailored for cycling. To be held on Sunday August 26, the Noosa Classic will not only provide a sensational cycling experience but welcome relief from the cold southern winter.
Sun, Surf And Brilliant Cycling
Over the weekend of August 25 & 26 riders will enjoy not only the brilliant cycling but the laid back lifestye Noosa is renowned for.
Ben Johnson – designer and builder of the Johnson Esquire featured in the photo gallery below – says the Noosa Classic course truly showcases the best of Noosa.
“The 160km loop incorporates all the circuits that our local group completes every week,” he said. “It’s a course of attrition. Riders will be pumping their legs continuously – it’s lumpy and arduous but an extremely rewarding course.”
Registrations are open now – visit the Event Website to book!