Getting out and supporting the regions is what it's all about - plus filling an esky with local produce and supporting those who need our help. Image: Coco Henry.

State By State Guide: With Restrictions Easing What Are The Guidelines For Exercise?

With public gathering and stay home restrictions begining to ease around Australia, many are asking what the local laws are in relation to cycling.

Common sense remains the key theme – close-knit bunch riding and the gathering of large groups of cyclists is not a good look for our sport and remains unwise from a health perspective. 

Still No Bunch Riding

Overall, cycling in groups of up to 10 is permitted – provided a distance of 1.5m from other riders is kept. And safe hygeine practices – before, during and after the ride, remain critical. Here is a state-by-state guide to new laws with information sourced from State Govt. websites.


From 11.59pm, Friday May 15, the following will be allowed:

  • Gatherings of a maximum of 10 people together in a public space.
  • Recreational travel of a radius of up to 150km from your home for day trips.
  • Reopening of playground equipment and outdoor gyms (a maximum of 10 at one time).
  • Re-opening public pools and lagoons with a maximum of 10 people at a time 

For Outback Queensland, where there have been no COVID cases, two special concessions have been made:

  • Dining in at pubs and cafes will be up to 20 for locals only
  • Recreational travel of a radius of up to 500 kilometres reflecting the long distances in the Outback.

Source: QLD Govt.


Can I leave the house to exercise outside?

Yes, you can leave your home to exercise, provided it’s possible to maintain physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres from others at all times. This includes bike riding or other types of exercise.

Can I exercise with others?

You can also do outdoor exercise with up to 10 people who doesn’t normally live at the same address as you, provided you maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and the other person.

Can I drive into regional Victoria?

Yes, you can drive to a location to exercise. As always though, Victorians are being asked to use common sense when it comes to travelling. If you can exercise near your home, you should. 


The following principles have been developed to guide in the lifting of restrictions around recreation activity. Recreation activities can resume if:

  • you can keep your distance (at least 1.5 metres apart)
  • you are doing your activities in a public space; and
  • you can do them with a maximum of 10 people.

In the case of recreation activities that are also exercise, you can resume these activities if:

  • you are not participating in an organised competition; and 
  • it is a non-contact activity and you can keep 1.5 metres between yourself and others; and
  • you do not participate in the activity for an unreasonable period of time.

Source – Vic. Govt. website 


New South Wales

From Friday 15 May, the following will be allowed:

  • outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people
  • cafes and restaurants can seat 10 patrons at any one time and continue to provide takeaway services
  • up to 5 visitors may visit another household at any one time
  • outdoor playground and exercise equipment can be used with caution
  • outdoor pools will be open with restrictions.

Source: NSW Govt. website.


Keep a few metres between yourself and others when cycling and passing others. Be mindful of where you put your equipment like helmet, gloves, glasses and drink bottle if you stop.

If you are choosing to exercise around Lake Burley Griffin, please remember the National Capital Authority is encouraging people to do so in a clockwise direction to help with social distancing measures. Remember their motto – clockwise is COVID-wise.

From 11.59pm on Friday 8 May, COVID-19 restrictions have eased further to support families and our economy. These new public health directions acknowledge the impact that social isolation has on our wellbeing.

  • All indoor and outdoor gatherings can have a maximum of 10 people (including children).
  •  Outdoor bootcamps and other personal fitness training (non-contact) can be held with a maximum of 10 people, excluding the trainer.
  • There is to be no sharing of equipment.


South Australia

From 11 May 2020, any sport may recommence outdoor training, provided that the following requirements and recommendations are observed and followed. 

Sports must:

  • Be outdoors
  • Be limited to training activities only
  • Have a maximum of 10 participants in any one group
  • Be non-contact or limit training to non-contact skills training or training where only accidental contact might occur
  • Ensure no participant is accompanied by more than 1 caregiver who is not participating
  • Observe, and encourage, social distancing (1.5 metres rule)

In addition, sports should:

  • Minimise use of shared equipment and facilities
  • Limit the total numbers of additional people present
  • Minimise unnecessary co-mingling
  • Encourage good hygiene, offer hand sanitiser at entrance and exit
  • Ensure frequent environmental disinfection cleaning of the premises
  • Implement signage/markings to support compliance with current restrictions and advice
  • Refer to the Australian Institute of Sport’s Framework for Rebooting Sport for further guidance


Western Australia

Maintain 1.5m distancing and the following is permissable –

  • non-contact community sports up to 20 people
  • outdoor or indoor fitness classes with minimal shared equipment, up to 20 people
  • public pools (1 indoor and 1 outdoor) permitted to open under strict rules and up to 20 patrons per pool.

Source: WA Govt. website.


Can I exercise outdoors?

‘Yes, exercise is encouraged as an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The two person rule applies outdoors, except where members of your household are exercising together, or members of parenting arrangements or guardianship arrangement are exercising together.

Use common sense whilst exercising outdoors. Keep at least 1.5 metres from others and make sensible choices about where you go. For example, if you intend to take a walk on your local beach or park but notice upon arrival that there are already a few other users there, come back at a later time or head to the other end of the beach to start your walk. Ensure you are well away from others and not creating a ‘crowd’ situation.

We encourage you to exercise in your local area (not requiring travel), and please ensure you are not entering a public or private area, venue facility or service that is currently closed.

We ask people to be considerate and sensible in their form of exercise during this pandemic, not only for your own personal benefit, but for the wider community.’

Source: Tas. Govt. website.

Northern Territory

Provided participants maintain physical distancing measures of 1.5m, from May 15 the following are approved –

  • Participate in organised training activities for sporting clubs and teams.
  • Operate or attend physical training activities indoors such as Cross Fit.
  • Operate and attend a gymnasium.

Source: NT Govt. website.




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Getting out and supporting the regions is what it's all about - plus filling an esky with local produce and supporting those who need our help. Image: Coco Henry.

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Getting out and supporting the regions is what it's all about - plus filling an esky with local produce and supporting those who need our help. Image: Coco Henry.

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