The design phase of the seat post that reduces weight but maintains strength by removing unnecessary material from the areas with no stress and adding support where needed.

Empire Cycles Create Super Strong 3D Printed Bike.

Empire Cycles in conjunction with innovative British engineering company Renishaw have created a super light, super strong mountain bike using 3D printing technology and a titanium alloy that allows the team at the respective companies to make rapid iterations and improvements right up until production.

The design phase of the seat post that reduces weight but maintains strength by removing unnecessary material from the areas with no stress and adding support where needed.
The design phase of the seat post that reduces weight but maintains strength by removing unnecessary material from the areas with no stress and adding support where needed.

The seat post bracket design proved to be strong in the testing phase, lasting 6 times the standard testing.

The goal is to make a complete bicycle that will be lighter, stronger and cheaper to manufacture than any of its competitors.

Whilst the bike is still being tested with no production date in site, and that they have only started to design mountain bike frames, will we see a trend follow into road cycling? Will manufacturers create a lighter more rigid frame from titanium alloys that will outlast and outperform all the carbon frames on the market?

Time will tell once Empire Cycles and Renishaw put this bike into production.  

For more information, visit the Renishaw website.


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The design phase of the seat post that reduces weight but maintains strength by removing unnecessary material from the areas with no stress and adding support where needed.

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