Bicycling Australia are keen to hear your thoughts on any of the topics we cover or whatever aspect of the sport you wish to discuss.
Have something to get off your chest, a topic you want covered, or a cycling story to share? Email us or use the contact form on our website to have your say published in the pages of Bicycling Australia.
Here are some recent letters to the editor –
Diabetes & Cycling
Att. Karen Forman,
In relation to Diabetes & Cycling (Bicycling Australia March / April), wow!
This is one of the most informative and well-written diabetes pieces that I’ve ever seen from a non-diabetes outlet (and that is saying a lot – I’ve had over 8,000 stories published on the team at
this point).
Thank you such a fabulous piece. I will share it with our sponsors and the athletes.
Fitzalan Crowe,
Vice President of Marketing and Sponsorship Team Novo Nordisk
In Praise Of E-bikes
Hello there,
I’ve been subscribing to Bicycling Australia for a number of years, I love the magazine and the reviews.
I am a 66yo grey-haired female recreational cyclist who just loves cycling with
my husband.
I just read your review on
the Orbea Gain e-bike and
I concur the bike is awesome. I was apparently the first person in Australia to actually purchase the bike and have been flying around on it for the past 8 weeks.
Even though it is slightly heavier, I have found it rolls along very nicely even without using the assistance. I am clocking up speeds and distances I thought sadly were a thing of the past, and when using the assistance the wind, hills and an older body protesting are not a problem. I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy so I am a bit restricted with what I can now do and how far I can push myself. My G.P. and cardiologist are obviously not bike riders (sigh) and the Gain has just given me back a lot of freedom and enjoyment that has been missing especially in the last 12 months.
Ever since Floyd Landis flew up that mountain in 2006 I have been hoping someone would develop a good looking e-road bike, so I’ve nicknamed my bike ‘Floyd’.
I would also like to give Santiago from Bikebox a plug. I rang Bikebox last September after researching the Gain on the internet and Santiago promptly returned my call and he spoke to me at great length about the bike and Orbea.
My husband said I am now an ULCER – ultra cool e-bike rider; I’ll happily take that because he’s a MAMIL.
Thanks for reading and keep up the good work.
Lynne Dimble
Respect Is A Two-Way Street
Dear Editor,
Reading Jan/Feb. 2019 edition of Bicycling Australia, I noticed an article on 2022 Road World Championships, hosted by Wollongong but then stated that the competition is to start in Sydney. Why Sydney? And could I make a plea that it not be started in Sydney. As your magnificent photo of the Seacliff Bridge, shows just how beautiful the countryside is in the Illawarra.
The photo also shows, unfortunately, 6 riders riding next to the cycle lane, on a two lane highway, which has an UNBROKEN DOUBLE WHITE LINE. It is not a very long distance to ride single file on that bridge.
I am 76 years old and living in Brisbane. At the age of 18 I rode in the 1961 Goulburn to Sydney race, as a member of the Enfield/Burwood club. I gained 15th place.
I meet with a group of retired men, of similar ages to me, and only 2 of us out of 12 are still active cyclists. The point being that the rest continually complain that cyclists do not ride in the cycle lanes and take unnecessary risks. If cyclists want respect from motorists then they (we) in turn must reciprocate.
Approximately 30 years ago whilst riding home from work (no cycle lanes back then) riding close to the curb as possible, on a road 4 lanes wide, I was hit by a 4 wheel drive vehicle that was travelling to the city but at the last moment decided to do a right hand turn into a side street in front of me. I was knocked unconscious and ended up in hospital with broken collar bone, broken wrist, 2 fingers broken, broken ribs which culminated in the development of pulmonary thrombosis in my lungs. Off work for 3 months. I was being careful and the only reason that I was not killed was due to the fact that I was/am an experienced rider and subconsciously held onto the side of the vehicle for as long as could before being knocked off.
Your magazine is very enjoyable and informative. I always look forward to getting a copy when I can. Thank you for taking the time to read these comments from me and would like to hear your comments in return if that is possible.
James Devereaux
Remembering Cameron Frewer
A long time reader of your magazine, and very happy to see print alive and well here in Australia. Two reasons for writing – first of all I read the Cameron Frewer article in the recent edition of the magazine and wish to personally offer my condolences to Cameron’s wife and family. I too have experienced many close calls on the road and hope to God some positive change comes from this tragic outcome.
Second point is this – a constructive suggestion for Bicycling Australia. I enjoy your range of content but would like to see more on track cycling, more on Australian destinations and more on the history of our sport. Overall it’s a great magazine! Keep up the good work.
Ian Harley
Perth, WA