Tifosi have a huge range of sunglasses, far too many to show on these pages. What we do have here are the Slope (in white) and the Logic XL (with orange lenses). The lenses on the Logic XL are called ‘Fototec’. These adjust to changing light conditions. In bright sun, microscopic photochromic particles embedded in the lens react to UV rays, darkening the optics so you’ll never squint. Then with cloud cover, the particles return to their previous state, letting through more light.
The Slope is a very stylish design that belies its technology. These glasses come with three sets of lenses; smoke, GT and EC. Smoke is a standard-shade lens, while GT stands for ‘Golf and Tennis’. These use ‘object illumination,’ which enhances your ability to pick up a bright object by providing a balance of target and background brightness. The EC lenses stand for Extreme Contrast and are designed for riders seeking an edge in distinguishing terrain details. The hue of EC increases light contrast by filtering the blue light spectrum that is responsible for optical blurring and decreased contrast in bright light conditions.
All Tifosi lenses block out 100% of UV rays.
Price: Slope: $99.50
Logic XL: $139.50
Distributed by Bicycle Peddler