Today is Census Day, the once in 5-year occasion the Bureau of Statistics collect a wide range of data from every man, woman and child across Australia.
These facts and figures help chart Australia’s history while helping shape our future.
So what’s the national Census got to do with cycling, you might ask. Potentially, a lot – particularly if you commute to your workplace, school or place of study by bike today.
Question 45 of the Census asks “How did you get to work on the 9th of August 2016?” with ‘Bicycle’ being one of the 14 answers.
Depending upon how many people ride to work (or school) and answer the question correctly and honestly, the more justification there will be for the future planning and funding of cycling infrastructure.
As Bicycle NSW put it in a recent statement – “The data collected from this topic is widely used at the small area level for transport planning, complementing data collected from the workplace address (journey to work) topic.”
By riding to work today, and correctly marking your Census form that you commuted by bike, you’ll be helping make your ride count.