Girona-based cycling guide Josep lives in a 12th century castle!
Yes … we were completely shocked upon first hearing this as well. Spending time in Girona, Spain during the weeks leading up to EuroBike, Bicycling Australia enjoyed several group rides with Dave, Saskia and the friendly team at Bikebreaks Cycle Centre.
Following one of the regular Thursday morning shop rides, head cycle guide Josep and Bicycling Australia’s Nat Bromhead rode through a huge thunderstorm to reach Josep’s home, a 12th century castle on the outskirts of Girona.
A mix of history and cycling, watch as 54yo Josep explains life in an ancient castle (past and present), shows us his bikes, his impressive cycling magazine collection and an amazing wall map featuring every road he’s ridden in Catalonia since he was just 11 years old.
Josep, you’re an inspiration … It was a pleasure to meet and ride with you and we look forward to doing it again sometime.